‘Just a Temp?’: Women, Temporary Employment and Lifestyle

Monday 25 May 2015
Excellent read this!

How Employment Insurance can make You stinkin' Lazy

Tuesday 12 May 2015
Ok, so I've been back in the game of pursuing meaningful employment since late February.
Since then I have had quite a few invitations for meetings extended to me.
I have cancelled most of them once I found out details about the prospective opportunities!

Either too many work hours or laughable housewife earnings.
Since my last position paid a pretty penny, the government is obliged to support my search with a fairly hefty compensation, albeit temporarily.
I shall accept no position that pays less than my employment benefits! No Sir! It can't be done by any somewhat sane person.

Wait! Wait! Is this issue really about my perceived laziness - or has it yet again more to do with...


Fuckers! The lot of them!

As long as I have this golden opportunity, I will fight for the aforementioned. I am making sure to let all of these prospective employers know about my dismay - in a highly professional and tactful manner fit for the real world, naturally.

13 Reasons I will NEVER get a job...

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Colin Daymude is keeping it real and  has some insights to share.

I so much appreciate his article, except that -"lazy" part.
Laziness is nothing but a virtue.
It is.
It is! 

Let me try again.
I very much agree with his article, except with this part:

9. Your Resume Stinks

[...] Take out some words and add a few graphs or charts that are easy to read. It will immediately catch someone’s eye and it will resonate with another 33.33% of the population who are visual learners (come on, we all like to look at pictures).

Ok - graphs, charts - all dandy and great. But in your resume?!

Colin, get back on your rocker! Now! 

Other than that: this sweet man has some juicy and timeless advice I have been following, and  - shall yet again  - utilize going forward.
Colin! COLIN! 

 13 Reasons you will never get a Job

Union musings - I'm not the only one!

Wednesday 4 March 2015
The job shopping continues and I've had a couple of offers extended to me.
One of which was amazingly low-paying temp work in a unionized environment.
Yes! On top of the low wages one would have to accept union dues being deducted regularly.

This is just one reason why I have a problem with modern day unions. I've worked in unionized organizations before and it was an extremely rigid, aggressive, uncaring, unfair, slow experience.
I thought I must be crazy for feeling this way, the self-proclaimed Leftist and downright Communist I consider myself to be.
I know what unions have done for workers historically. This was such an important battle!
But I learned that as a worker in today's landscape I am not alone with my unusual point of view! PostLibertarian has summed it up nicely:

I am having difficulties with this but it's how I see it.

Back in business!

Friday 20 February 2015
I held down an incredible, all expenses paid for, please sleep in, totally under-worked, very much over-paid  position for 1.75 years.
I am suspicious  - and it is wrong but somehow true:

Booty show is over now so I am recovering to RL demands....
I am working on it